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Frequently Asked Questions

Distance Learning FAQ’s for RRJSHS



  • Does my student need to follow a schedule, or can they just work when they want?


We have developed a schedule for students to follow not just for attendance purposes, but also to keep transitions into On Site learning as easy as possible.  The schedule will remain the same for Hybrid Learning as it is for Comprehensive Distance Learning, so we are asking our students to follow a schedule so the school year remains consistent.  Also, an important part of your students' education is the chance for them to learn “Synchronously” or at the same time as their peers, which allows for discussion, group work, and replicates the classroom experience.  There will be times when the students can work outside of the scheduled class time, which can be found in the “Applied Learning” times.  If your student works outside of the 8:00 to 3:30 time, there will not be staff available to support them if they have questions or need clarification.  


  • Will my student be required to complete all their work online?


We are balancing on-line and offline learning opportunities for our students.  There will be times when they need to be on-line for instruction, directions, discussion and more.  There will also be opportunities for students to work offline with projects, assignments, work out of textbooks and more.  Completed assignments will be turned in on-line through google classroom, but assignments can be completed using paper/pencil, then uploaded by taking a picture of the work and submitted on-line.  


  • I want my student to complete packet work, is this an option?


Discussion, group projects, and the chance to ask teachers questions in a group setting is a critical part of the education we provide, and we will continue to offer that to our students.  As such, we don’t plan to use “Packets” as the only method of educating your student.  There will be assignments and projects that can be completed outside of the scheduled classes, but we are not offering packet work as the exclusive way of educating students in Distance Learning. 


  • How do I get a hold of my students' teachers?


Teachers will be working on school days from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.  Sending an email, calling the school, messaging them through Google Classroom are all options for you to get a hold of your students' teachers.  In addition, every student will have an advisor who will be connecting with your student every two weeks to make sure they are staying on track and to coordinate any communication between teachers and the families if other methods are not working. 


  • When will we be able to let our students return to school?


We are bound by the requirements of the Oregon Department of Education for when students will be allowed back on campus.  These metrics can be found on the ODE website, but there needs to be both local and state level metrics that need to be met before we can move to a Hybrid Model.  In addition, if you find that your student is struggling let us know by completing a “Academic and Emotional Support Request”, and we will try to make arrangements for your student to get additional support on campus for two hours or less.  If you student is invited to get this additional support they will need to wear a mask and follow social distancing requirements.


  • What if I do not feel comfortable sending my student back to school when we move back into On-Site learning?


This school year we anticipate being in Comprehensive Distance Learning or Hybrid Learning for the entire school year.  This will allow students and families to choose to bring their student back on campus or to continue to work from home, depending on what your family would prefer.  Again, students cannot return to campus for learning until we meet the metrics set by the Oregon Department of Education.  


  • What if my student is unable to be present on the first day of school to log onto their zoom meeting?


If you know your students will not be able to attend on the first day of school, or any school day please contact the office at 541 582-3297.  It will be the students responsibility to connect with their teachers to make a plan to make up the lessons and assignments from when they were absent.  All teachers are using Google Classroom to organize assignments, videos, and other educational resources.  This is a great place to keep track of what was missed when your student was absent.  The key is to make sure your student is communicating with their teachers so they do not fall behind.


  • I don’t feel comfortable having my student connect to zoom for video based education.  


Our teachers will be using Google Classroom, Zoom, and other programs to keep school engaging, to allow for a variety of learning experiences, both using video and non-video learning as a whole class.  If you do not feel comfortable having your student show their face using Zoom, they can keep their video off, and they will still have a chance to converse, interact using the Chat feature.  We are striving to use more than Zoom to have students interact in our classes so there is a balance between video and non-video teaching and learning experiences!

  • What if I don’t understand how Google Classroom works?


The best person to contact if you are struggling to support your student with Google Classroom is their Advisor (Homeroom or 8th Period Teacher).  If this still does not help you, contact the school office and we will set up a tutorial for you.